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Saturday, January 19, 2008


Searchers Want To Know About The R Word January 19, 2008

Jason Lee Miller Staff Writer

It should be the Frau Blucher of words and if we believe in thatmarketing genius that was "The Secret" we shouldn't dare throw itout there. Nonetheless, the braver the media gets at using the "r"word, the more people are searching for it.
Thus, they're all putting the energy out there like seeds and arewaiting to reap the harvest.
Recession. There, I said it, now let's get on with it.
Yahoo's Molly McCall at The Buzz Log reports that Yahoo searcheshave spiked in the past week regarding that rather unpleasantterm. See, put it out there it just grows.
She writes:
"Over the past seven days, searchers propelled queries on'economic recession' and 'recession' upwards. Lookups like 'lastu.s. recession' and 'recession proof jobs' spiked. Even'stagflation' - a term not normally found strolling the Buzzaisles-more than doubled its numbers."

The phrase "definition of a recession economy" is up 500%; "whatis a recession" is up 260%.
Concern, according to McCall's color-coded map, is heaviest inplaces you might expect, where the real financial centers are likeNew York, Illinois, and California. Strangely, the recession-related searches are extra-heavy in Tennessee, too.
As the for square states, the nobody-lives-there states, and the-economy's-always-bad-anyway states, they don't seem to be all thatalarmed.
Maybe we should try an experiment. Everybody think super hardabout economic expansion, repeat the words, and then go searchfor it. Maybe The Secret works.
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